Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This post is for all the soccer moms.

In our family we are soccer nuts. 
Any information that I can share to all the parents out there I will be very happy to .
Soccer is a great sport, because besides you are exercise your hole body you are also learning group play sharing, respect and discipline.
I suggest to every body to try soccer. It's really fun!
Hey soccer moms your jobs are not just sitting there and cheers for your child. Have you though in trying to learn to play soccer?
Well I never though I will end up playing soccer one day, and here I am playing a very fun game with a hole bunch of ladies ,some moms ,some really good soccer players, and me out there. Now I'm able to understand better the game, and guess what? Now I can say I'm a very proud soccer mom and also a soccer player.
If you live in South Florida and are interested in participate of a very fun Soccer League you can call Coach Richard (954) 793-6319 and get more information. If you are not from Florida don't give up look up in your community and you will find a women soccer league to join.
Good Luck! And remember don't wait for tomorrow what you can do it today.